Wayne Suttie Former General Manager Sales & Marketing The Zambezi Queen Collection

As a company DiaMonde are an absolutely highly professional and hugely friendly group to work with. They have been nothing but a pleasure to work with in all aspects.

Our time in the DiaMonde family has been one of a committed group of travel experts that are willing to only do their best in terms of communications as well as getting our brand recognised across their client base and more. The Zambezi Queen Collection are totally committed and comfortable in all aspects of our working and professional relationships with the entire DiaMonde team. I have only really good things to say about the entire team. I met them for the first time during the ITB travel show and was immediately made to feel like I was an integral part of their team, very special.  We deal with Anel and Nadia on a day to day basis and I love it when I see their names in my inbox, it brightens my day…..!

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