Team DiaMonde

Would we like to introduce ourselves? Certainly.

What we all have in common? Apart from a good sense of humour? A solid education of course, with degrees from classy universities around the globe – from Europe’s leading Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne in Switzerland, to England, the Netherlands, California, South Africa and Australia. Between us, we have held roles in most fields of the tourism industry, the travel agency community, tour operating and hospitality; in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, England, the USA, Ecuador, Spain, the Middle-East, Africa and all the way down to the South Pacific. Within the team, we are fluent in ten languages, including our Swabian dialect, whereby we can switch from US intonations to Oxford English to South African and OZ slangs within seconds. Together we have 190 years of combined work experience in our field of expertise – of which we have singly dedicated on average over 8 years of seniority to DiaMonde, and still counting. Travel is our passion, the world our playground and DiaMonde our home.

Besides being a pretty smart bunch of professionals, we all have one attribute in common: we are soulful – and this is what sets us apart.

Would you like to meet each and every one of us? Voilà – the DiaMonde-All-Stars. Because DiaMonde definitely shimmers most beautifully in all its different facets – each one cut to perfection.

Nataša Manić

Nataša Manić

This is what my team says about me:

“Inspirational. Brilliant. Wholehearted. Nataša is not only the creator of what DiaMonde is today, but the team’s heartbeat. Her unconditional understanding and empathy for our hotel partners has transpired into each and every one of us, while she has brought the world to our feet and has taught us everything there is to know: from what a bed night is to being soulful! No wonder, we, her team members have been so loyal to her, as there is simply no better place like home ... and that is where we all are right now.”

And as for each one of them, let me, in turn, put into words personally what they mean to DiaMonde and myself.

Peter Zwickl

Finally, I have found the perfect man for our team – and I did not just let anyone in, but a real pro. A Viennese luxury sales afficionado with references of excellence in his pocket from leading hotel brands such as Sacher and Ritz-Carlton. A true, old-school Austrian gentleman and a storyteller at heart, he was ready for a new stage. Today Peter runs the DiaMonde-Show along my side as my most cherished partner in crime!

Peter Zwickl

Sophia Welsche

Sophia leaves a lasting impression on anyone who meets her! So she did on me when our paths crossed many years ago for the first time. I believe in faith and karma and I know that both have helped bringing us together again …. she is a gift as she enriches us and our community to the fullest!

Martina Ulrich

I sometimes wish I was Martina’s sister. At least I'd like to feel like it, as we share the same sense of humour, very similar views on life and a passion for words. But above all, Martina has won my heart by being a most humble, loyal and simply awesome colleague I do not ever want to miss. Those who have heard Martina speak will never forget her – she is the queen of words, spoken and written and our very own storyteller. Do I need to mention she is also a top sales person? Well, she is, one of the best - and her true USP is selling through storytelling.


Nicole Schmid

15 years so far with Nicole, and I could go on forever with her by my side. No job is too difficult, no task too boring. She takes it all on, with concentration and dedication. She is my personal life-saver, as she handles all those straining accounting tasks with perfection, allowing me to concentrate on what I enjoy more than book-keeping (and that is pretty much everything else!).

Frauke Groth

Frauke and I go way way back – to the year 1998 when our professional paths first crossed. We were young, passionate about Florida and visionaries of our lives. Today, over 25 years later, with many work and life experiences up our sleeves, we finally work together in one company, under one roof and our paths are no longer crossing, but running very close next to each other. A true gift!

Frauke Groth DiaMonde
Annette Eckhardt DiaMonde

Annette Eckhardt

Annette and I go way back – to the very start of both of our careers over 20 years ago! She was one of the first colleagues I met during my first tenure in luxury hotel business. We connected immediately, as we share an emotionally deep link with Florida and never lost touch – like there was a secret bond that kept us together all these years to only await the right moment to re-connect us again. She is the picture-perfect addition to the team as she shares our values and ethics – but most of all our sense of humour. A perfectionist at heart, she surprises me daily with her professional business approach and I could not be more thankful that destiny has paved a new path for us, one that will hopefully go on forever.

Sandra Brockhoff

Sandra has enriched not only me personally, but the entire team with her positivity, mindfulness, brightness, Africa-Love and most importantly her talent to play with words. She is the brilliant ghostwriter behind so many of our blogs, newsletters and social media posts – we owe our much accoladed tone of voice also to her and simply so much more!

Sandra Brockhoff - DiaMonde

Nathalie Thanner

Nathalie is my secret weapon. Why? Simply nobody can resist her. Not her blue eyes, not her smile, not her empathy. Anyone who has met her, if only once, will remember her – she is a stellar sales pro, but with the biggest heart on earth. A heart she shares in equal parts with her family and the travel industry ...

Julia Nolte

Do you know the feeling when you meet someone, and you feel an immediate connection? This was my feeling when I first met Julia 15 years ago. She shines like a bright ray of sunshine and has such a positive aura around her which simply no one can resist. She inspires me, as she has always allowed passion to lead her way and it is this very passion that she is happily infusing into DiaMonde. I could not be more thankful that our paths crossed when they did and that she now has a second home called DiaMonde!

Julia Nolte DiaMonde