Privacy lives in the fields At Babylonstoren, the Fynbos Family House opens

At this time of year, creating a retreat with distance that also feels like a loving embrace for families or dearest friends is a special art. At the foot of the Simonsberg, in front of the Franschoek hills, not far from the vineyards and close to the center of the estate, Babylonstoren has created such a place in the midst of its natural beauty. This one can do everything, but doesn’t have to: the new Fynbos Family House.

Fynbos translates as fine bushes. Everyone who knows the area knows about the magic of the region. Every season is different, even here in the peaceful fynbos garden. Even if the colorful tangle sometimes looks like a mess, everything belongs together, cheers up with a blaze of color, and makes you marvel at the grace of the shining proteas. The flora supports itself or offers space to unfold. A strong branch to lean on can be found in the lush greenery, as well as security with dear people.  Ideas and stories thrive in the garden, just as they do in a family or circle of friends.

The Fynbos Family House is a part of the large Babylonstoren area, but a small world of its own if desired. What is needed for your own comfort is provided. A private Cape Dutch style country estate – elegant without being cluttered, exclusive without feeling alone and with its 5 individual bedrooms large without ever giving a feeling of being lost. Freedom is the true luxury here and it smells like the herbs and orchard of the farm.

So shoo shoo into the fields. Or perhaps to the pool, in front of the fireplace, wine tasting or farm exploration?


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